Knowledge Base

Customer Module

Last modified: March 23, 2023
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Corpler allows users to add their customers

To access this, follow: Dasboard > Customers > Clients (https://your-company


Here, you can see the clients you have entered for your organization.

Add New Clients

To add new clients, on the top right, click on the button Add New Client. It will bring you to:

Fill up all the important fields available regarding your client.

Choose Yes, and allow the newly added client to be notified via email, that they are being added to the system. Your customer will basically receive a welcome email notification.

Once added, your client can then be added to any of your projects, participate in a note discussion, purchase your services, and received an invoice or estimate that you created.

Your customer will get this email. You can change the logo of your company instead of using the default Corpler logo.

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